Saturday, 30 June 2012

Dear jane as at the end of June

I have now being done my dear jane quilt for 1 month. here is my progress chart.  I have realised that although this quilt is amazing, I believe that it could drive even the most sane retiring quilter into a growling wreck with all the nonsence that it dishes out. I am attempting to do the whole quilt using the english paper piece method, which just adds to the sress level as it is amazing how a few 1 mm pieces of fabric over paper can do things to the layout of a block,

I made 21 block in June for the quilt and an extra 4 blocks that will not be getting to be in the main event. The blocks can be seen in the tab above. They really are not as good as I would have liked, but hey that is how it goes. I think that I need to allocate 120 hours to the quilt this month.
Have a good one

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Happy Winter Solstice

Happy Winter soltice everyone. I know it is the start of winter but in reality we are hurteling towards summer.
The shortest day is over and from now on the chicken who lives next door will start saying good morning earlier and earlier. At the height of summer the stupid bird likes to wake up at 3:30 in the morning and that is just silly.

Oh well for those in the southern hemisphere, keep warm and those in the Northern Hemisphere all I can say is Chill!

Have a good one.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Happy Fathers day

Wishing my dear Husband a Happy fathers day. I need to thank him for being such a cool dad.

This weekend I spent Saturday making a Alice McGee pinafore for my eldest to wear to a fancy dress party. I find it so amusing that 21st birthday parties have to be fancy dress and have a theme, I would have thought that being a @!st then surely 21 would be the theme with all the associated shlock of keys and champagne and all the other guff. Personally I had just come back from an overseas trip which I paid for and had German Measles which I thought was hilarious that I had caught in Germany. I didn't have a huge party but my sister who is 3 years older did the whole think including the having a lamb on the spit...I think animals on a spit is a pretty gross thing to do.
With my sisters sacrifice , the heavens opened and the were many rush tarpaulin being erected around it. Even though this happened 35 years ago I can still remember the rain and mud being shlocked into the house and covering the kitchen and dining room floors. For my eldest she took her friends to a casino and they all enjoyed being adults by gambling and drinking too much, now that is a good way to declare that you are an adult.
I have been doing my Dear Jane blocks and gee whiz they are a pain in the Tookhes. I am doing them way slower that I thought I would. I decides to do a few of the same colour so that I didn't have to have 300 colours available in my work bag. This is going to cause the progress to be working from the outside in.
The weather has been horrid, but we are only a week away from the longest night and that is the official start of winter, but in reality it is the slide down to summer. Hee ha.

Keep warm where ever you are and have a good one

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

the 6th of the 6th

SO today is a cute date what with it being the 06 of the 06 and if you add that together you get the 12 thereby making 060612. See now that is the logic that has kept me employed for the last 34 years writing computer systems.

I have started making my Dear Jane quilt. I made 2 blocks and then realised that the backing was yuck. I have now remade them and added a few more. It is fun but shew the pieces are tiny, I think that these blocks will require Extra Zen to be added, there may even be the need for burning incense. I will post the pictures at the bottom of this post.

The weather is now officially cold, but, I am still wearing summer clothes in the office as the brain trust that runs the thermostat is keeping it at a sweltering 26 degrees c or 80 degrees f. This is what the temperature looks like for the rest of the week. Brrrrrrr.
We need to go out and buy another heater as the bedroom's ones switch blew up and I stole the study one.
I cut my hair, this is actually a big deal as my hair was very log about 2 feet down my back, unfortunately I was looking like a weird witchy type person, once you are over 50 it becomes dangerous in how you wear your hair. I kept on thinking that I looked like my mother when she was 65 ish. so now it is all short and bouncy. It was funny at the hair dresser, once the had cut the hair it almost seemed to be a big enough pile to look like a small animal.

Hope you all enjoy the 6th of the 6th and keep warm wherever you are.

These are the blocks that I have done so far in June


Friday, 1 June 2012

June is here

June is here. Five months of this year have whizzed by and now here we are 3 weeks to go to the start of winter or actually the longest night of the year.

We are all now sleeping under 2 quilts and the kitties have learnt a new appreciation of snuggling up to their human family members. The biggest problem they currently have is static. The short hair keep his fur under control by jumping into the basin every morning after my husband has shaved. The poor long hair is running around and having a bad hair day almost everyday. Poor girl!

Last month I finished the Irish chain which is amazingly loud and warm. I started on my Dear Jane but once I had done the first two blocks I realised that the tea stain colour that I had bought for the background was just the wrong tone and bleached the colour out of the yellow blocks, I went out and bought some white and now there is an order to the States to get a bolt of S28 arctic white. I may use the tea stain fabric as my sashing.  


Two week end ago we went down to the bush and it was amazing. I just did not like the drive or the yucky mining towns that we had to drive through to get there. The animals were great and I almost want to do a wall hanging using some of the pictures of the elephants and hippos that were taken. but that will be later once I get bored with making the Dear Jane blocks.

Work is fine at the moment except that all of the initiators have been drain for month-end and currently my job is sitting in position 31.

Keep warm or cool and have a good one.

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