
Saturday, 22 August 2015

Saturday in August

I am currently washing the wall hanging that I have been entertaining myself with. I took a picture before hand in case all of the colours run and the batting crunches up, but, not in a good way. It has been a fun little project and kept me nicely busy. I may add another picture of this once it has been hung up or looks like a clown caught in a down pour.

Sewing machine in for a service and the over-locker taken out for the first time in 15 year... rather dusty.
I need to make a cover for both my sewing machine as well as the over-locker. I bought some amazing fabric about a year ago that I want to make into a skirt. Unfortunately or fortunately I have been busy with one quilt project after another. Well first step is getting out the over-locker and setting it up. Well that step is done, now to find the skirt fabric... It may be a while longer before I have a new skirt.
Electric quilt is going great. I found out that all of the blocks for the farmers wife are available for this package. An order has been put in. So that is serious points in favor of my next quilt being a farmers wife quilt. At the same time my husband ordered me a second book on Japanese quilt design. I love the blocks as they are extremely complicated. The understated tones I am not to sure about.

Well that is my Saturday, Hope you too are having a fun day. We are currently having rain... yay.. hopefully all of the fruit blossoms will come out.

Have a good one.

All done, washed and hung up.


  1. So glad your wall hanging "survived" the washing and drying. It looks fabulous. I've debated ordering EQ, but since I'm a hand quilter, I don't think I'd get enough use out of it to justify the expense. But that doesn't mean that I don't think about it ... and who knows, I may succumb. ha!

    1. hi Kathy, I too do everything by hand, I actually hand pieced the Dear Jane that I did and I printed all of the pieces from the EQ - Dear Jane edition. I got the EQ so that I could set up my own quilt with the accuracy that printing the patterns gives you. It is fun to learn new things..
