
Friday, 20 March 2015

Autumn equinox

Oh hey, oh yay today is the Autumn equinox. At 22:45 the equinox will be achieved. The weather has been soo hot for us to be theoretically in the middle of Autumn. Our Peach tree has thrown a few yellow leaves on the driveway. Apart for this decorating not much else has turned yellow. All of the wild grasses are blooming. What a glorious site. I also do so love hay fever. Even trying to be so cool, every now and again the inner nerd will out.

On the 15th my daughter celebrated her wedding anniversary.  Life does go by so rapidly. Still no grandchildren. It will be amazing when it eventually does happen. They have only been married for a year, but, they have been together for 13 years. 

The picture below is used from Victoriana quilt design I asked permission to use this picture and she kindly said yes.

All four corners have been stitched together. Next step is putting the brown stripes around the edge and then I will join the border to the quilt. Once that is done I need to work out how I am going to put the back together. I bought some beautiful soft floral fabric to use on Dear Jane, but it was too sweet for the ragamuffin that is my interpretation of Dear Jane.

Hope you have an amazing spring or Autumn equinox. I hope that you get a respite from whatever weather system you are now bored with.

Have a good one


  1. I think that one image above has the date of the equinox is wrong, it should say September, and not March. March is the vernal equinox. (it's a beautiful image though)

    1. I live in the Southern Hemisphere, and hence the dates are not the same as the northern hemisphere :D
