
Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Jolly Jolly it is July

What can I say about July. Firstly we are now into the second half of the year. This half always seems to dash by in a great hurry. Living in the Southern Hemisphere we have summer holidays to look forward to in December.
Most work projects think that there is still enough time to get completed before the  year end freeze. I often think that year end freeze is encouraged by employees who do not want to have to fix up problems whilst sitting on the beach.

Back to July and the weather is seriously nippy. Ok not really seriously, but, definitely showing a bit of attitude. Static seems to have taken over. My hair that has grown extremely long, due to my
hairdresser now living in Scotland (hi Illana), has to be tied up. Loose long static hair wants to live in your mouth. It may be due to all of the hot air. The poor cat is also suffering from static overload.

We are once again feeding our birds this winter. It is so much fun to watch them getting into the snacks provided. I feel that in summer there are enough fruit trees for them to find something to eat, but, in winter there really is not that much for them to snack on. I also think these are the lazy birds that did not feel like putting in the effort to actually fly north and have a bit of a European holiday. I suppose they don't like all of the tourists.

My daughter turned 30 at the end of June. It is quite remarkable to think that I have been a mother for so many years. How the years have whizzed by. I think it is having children that allows you to see the passage of time. I find it interesting that you never really feel any different no matter how old you get. I suppose that is due to sill having the same brain. One thing that did change completely was my priorities. Before children I really did believe you could achieve whatever you put your mind to. After children, I had to upgrade my ambitions. It is a hard realisation that you have to actually make a choice between climbing the corporate ladder, or paying attention to your children. Companies always want to take everything you have, but with children you have to prioritise better. You have to get you work/home balance correct. 

I have made 24 flowers for my granny's garden. I still have 198 flowers to go.Oh boy, this is going to take a whole lot of perseverance to get them done. The thing with making a Dear Jane, is that each block is new and fresh and needs to be solved in it's own way. With a granny's garden it is flower after flower. It will be fine and let me see if I can make more than 30 that are required for July.

Hope all have a fun filled July. Hope you get to see fireworks.

Have a good one.

Update 3rd July 2014

Look what came and ate at the feeding station today.

1 comment:

  1. You've certainly done a bit of reflecting in this post. Putting it all down is therapeutic and helps to clear the mind. When I saw your red hexie flowers I was sure you would be celebrating Canada Day but as I read realized that wasn't the case. You are ahead of the game with the RSC with two red flowers complete well before Saturday. Way to go.
