
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Centre complete

Oh yay the centre is now complete.

If there is one thing that I have learnt from this exercise that if I ever make another Dear Jane quilt I will do the sashing and joining as I go.

The only thing that kept me from going completely insane was the fact that I re-did a few of the blocks that did not measure up in the cold light of day. I know the thought is that it is better done than perfect, but, even at my best they are not perfect, and down right ugly should be re-done. I now will start stitching the borders together. I did about 3 inches on one of the triangles and could not find my rhythm as the triangles feel a whole lot different from stitching blocks. My fingers will just have to learn this new lesson.

Hope everyone is having an amazing Wednesday.


  1. Congratulations on getting the center section done! What a huge accomplishment.

  2. Kathy, your DJ is one of the best settings I have ever seen. Love the setting and using the rainbow approach.

  3. Just Beautiful! Love your DJ in the rainbow colors. Very smart to do the sashing as you go.

  4. I am also making a DJ. Been on the go for many, many years and I am now determined to finish it. Am doing it Quilt As You Go!
